Monday, 15 December 2008


weird people nowadays. i'm seeing people wearing weird stuff like suspender. i know atu barang shuffle. but do they really need to show off? gHAHAHA.
dont blame me if aku umpat kamu. and emos, lagi pelik. pakai calak. apatah tu? barigali. mihirrrrrrrr kaliiiiiiiiiii. huahuauhhauahua.
and lastly, punk? apa NAZI? ewwwwwwwww peeeeeeeeeeeeeelisssssssssssssssssssssssss. anti gov? better jangan jadi org Bruneiiiiiii.
c'mon people, we're Bruneian not European. hahah. some may dyed their hair (including me) maybe to show off, maybe to tell the world that they enjoy their life. well who cares?
as if for me, i dyed my hair pasal aku entah. dye saja2. bodohhhh me! haha.

ehhh i went to the mall today. i saw Gneo. i thought he was kurus. rupanya chubby. hahaha. well not that gemuk. my friends tadi was krek banar. talurrrrrrrrrrrrrr main taie idung. not taie idung kami. imaginary taie idung. hahahahh. we watch twilight. nada siuk. buringgg. trailor nya saja rugged. mun aku jadi sii edward lama sudah ku gigit bini2 atu. dapan main. HAHAHAHA
liat orang shuffle tadi. gatal rasa kaki ku bah kan shuffle. mana tahan! im so in love with shuffle. i SAYANG you shuffle. hahahaha.
ahhh ummm apa lagi aa? i met teacher susilawati tadi, ia lambai. then we lambai balik. hapannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. i dont even know why i'm doing these stuff di sini? hohohohohoohohoho.


Diri Ku =D

My photo
I'm 16 years old. was born on the 12th December. still young. with the power of youth i swear i will kick your ass if you make fun of me!!!
